Essential japanese cooking videos

Ordering Options:

  • Complete Set (12 DVDs + mini-texts) - $698.98*
  • Half Set (6 DVDs + mini-texts) - $369.58*
    • Lessons 1 - 12 or Lessons 13 - 24
  • Individual (1 DVD + mini-text) - $108.69*
    *Includes all shipping charges for orders shipped to the U.S.A. Price is subject to change without notice depending on exchange rate. Add sales tax where applicable.

Each Instructional DVD:

  • Length: approx. 120 minutes
  • Bilingual (English/Japanese)
  • Includes mini-texts with explicit recipes for every dish prepared for each lesson (on DVD).
  • Region free NTSC

· Order Form ·

Item:Price each:Quantity:
Complete Set (All 12 DVDs) $698.98
Half Set: Lessons 1 - 12
Half Set: Lessons 13 - 24
DVD 1: Lessons 1 - 2
Basic Dashi Stock and Soups
DVD 2: Lessons 3 - 4
Preparing Sashimi
DVD 3: Lessons 5 - 6
Nimono (Simmering)
DVD 4: Lessons 7 - 8
Yakimono (Broiling)
DVD 5: Lessons 9 - 10
Yakimono (Pan-Frying and Baking); Mushimono (Steaming)
DVD 6: Lessons 11 - 12
Agemono (Deep-Frying)
DVD 7: Lessons 13 - 14
Sunomono (Vinegared Dishes)
DVD 8: Lessons 15 - 16
Aemono (Dressed Dishes); Nerimono and Yosemono (Stirred Dishes and Molded Dishes)
DVD 9: Lessons 17 - 18
DVD 10: Lessons 19 - 20
Rice Dishes
DVD 11: Lessons 21 - 22
Eggs; Beef
DVD 12: Lessons 23 - 24
Poultry; Food and Serving Dishes
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